Growing One Business.

Honoring its Legacy.

Building a Shared Future.

You’ve worked hard to build a fantastic business and team. As you consider a transition, New Cheval can help.

What sets us apart from other buyers:

Flexible Terms & Structure

Every business has a unique story. At New Cheval, we will tailor the deal to fit your journey and goals, ensuring a fair, adaptable, and mutually beneficial transition.

Focus on People & Legacy

Your legacy matters. We're dedicated to preserving the culture you've built and ensuring your team's well-being and growth continue under our care.

Long-term Point of View

Our approach is long-term and stable. We're here to grow your business through any economic cycle, doing our best to bring a prosperous future for all involved.

About Me - Jimmy Gillespie

I'm Jimmy, the founder of New Cheval. Growing up, I saw my mom build Cheval Computing from the ground up at our kitchen table in Houston. Her hard work inspired me to start something of my own (enter New Cheval).

I've spent the last decade working with both family-run businesses and big corporations. With the smaller companies, I learned about the ups and downs of growing a business, gaining invaluable insights into the resilience and adaptability needed to thrive in any market.

In the corporate world, I got a taste of what it takes to take a business to the next level. I worked closely with Fortune 500 companies to sharpen their strategies and execution. This experience honed my skills in scaling businesses, optimizing operations, and driving sustainable growth amidst the pressures of competitive markets.

Now, with New Cheval, my plan is pretty straightforward: find one exceptional business, buy it, and help it grow. I'm not just looking to invest; I'm all about getting my hands dirty, being part of the day-to-day operations, and helping build something special.

Meet The Family

Say hello to the full team – my wife Liz and our three kids Lincoln (7), Jane (4), and Emma (2). Our journey has taken us from Utah to California, through Ohio and Arizona, landing us in Pennsylvania, our current home. Our hobbies (when time permits) include cooking nutritional meals, running (Liz and I both ran the 2023 Boston Marathon), and exploring the city of Philadelphia via ebikes with the kids in the bike trailer.

This year, our family theme is 'All In.' Whether we're at church, lost in a storybook, or navigating the chaos of dinner time, we strive to be fully present—even if we sometimes miss the mark.

At New Cheval, 'All In' defines my approach to business. I’m searching for that one company to invest in wholeheartedly, bringing the lessons of adaptability, dedication, and resilience learned from our family life. I offer not just an investment but a partnership grounded in these values, ready to navigate the inevitable ups and downs together.

If you're looking for a buyer who's committed to preserving the legacy of your business while steering it toward sustainable growth, let's talk. Your business's next chapter deserves a partner who's truly 'All In'.

Investors & Advisors:

New Cheval is backed by a fantastic group of investors who are committed to building world-class companies. They bring a wealth of industry knowledge, a strong capability for capital investment, and access to top-tier resources and networks. This blend of expertise and support is a solid foundation as we embark on our journey to grow and develop a thriving business.